Viewing page 152 of 170

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[[preprinted]]  149  [[/preprinted]]

390 Theresa Fuller              Instasunda.
    Stephen Fuller

373 Elsie M.

375 Isabel.

374 Louis Leonard
372 Susan

371 [[Anna?]] L.
369 George F.

370 Charles E.

701 Mun-chu-num-ba.  Yellow Snake.   Hunga. 
    Ne da we                         Instasunda.

695 Me-gthe-ta-in  (god child)

702 Tae-son-da-be. (  " [[ditto for god child]] )

192 Sne-te-ta       Wm. Keech  In gre ge de.
    Tha ta da win              Thatada.

218 Ou-ge-na-mon-ne.

196 Me-hae-ne.

184 Sha-bae nuz-ze.             Hunga.
    ta in gre hae               Instasunda.

Transcription Notes:
All Indian names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner.