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[[preprinted]] United States Indian Service,
^[[Winnebago]] Agency,
^[[Mar 11th]], 188^[[2.]]

Hon. E. Whittlesey
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir:
Yours of the 7th to Maj Edwards comes to me as his successor for reply. The members of both tribes are eager for their lands in severalty, and most of the heads of families have taken their lands and are improving them more or less, believing that their certificate of allotment is complete title. Some of the Omahas have learned by bitter experience that their papers are worthless as evidence of title and are seeking patents for their lands by a petition, which is in the hands of Hon. Senator Dawes of Miss, and they are terribly in earnest about it too. This petition is signed by about fifty men who are living on their lands allotted to them and have made good improvements