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be substantiated by evidence and the case reported to this Office for special instructions.

Where it is known that patentees have returned to Wisconsin,their names with the description of the lands should be forwarded to this Office.

The Allotment Act provides for allotments in quantities as follows: -

To each head of a family,180 acres;

To each single child under eighteen years of age,80 acres; and to each other single person under eighteen years of age,born prior to July 1,1887, 40 acres.

Where a person retains an allotment heretofore patented to him the quantity covered by the patent should be deducted from the amount allowed him by the Act.

(1)  You will allow the Indians to select their lands,heads of families selecting for themselves and their minor children.

(2) Selections for orphans will be made by yourself and Agent Warner.