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Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Washington, D.C., September   , 1887.

To the Honorable,
   The Secretary of the Interior,
   I am in receipt of reference of a letter, addressed August 20, 1887, to the Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs by Miss Alice C. Fletcher, Special Indian Agent for the Winnebago Indians; and also a letter addressed by said Hon. Commissioner to you, under date of September 8, 1887, wherein several questions are presented touching the proper course to be pursued with reference to certain patents heretofore issued for Winnebago Indian lands in Nebraska, which said questions you submit for my consideration.
   Among other things, said Honorable Commissioner's letter says:
   "I am in receipt of a communication from Miss Alice C. Fletcher, U.S. Special Agent, now engaged in making allotments to the Winnebago Indians in Nebraska, dated August 20, 1887, in which she states that she has found in the Agency about thirty patents that have never been delivered, the in-