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Refer in reply to the following: ^[[L]]

Department of the Interior,

Washington, June 29, 1888.

Miss Alice C.Fletcher,
U.S.Special Agent,
To make Allotments of Lands
  in severalty to Indians,
     Washington, D.C.


Upon receipt hereof,you will immediately proceed to the Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska,for the purpose of continuing and completing the work of making allotments to the Indians located thereon as authorized by the President July 1, 1887.

In prosecuting the work you will be governed by the instructions of this Office da^[[t]]ed July 27,1887,as amended by the Secretary of the Interior,July 30,1887.

You will retrace such lines and re-establish such monuments as may be found requisite,employing a surveyor and the necessary assistants,who should be Indians in all cases where practicable.

For such expenses you will furnish proper vouchers and sub-vouchers,and report the employes upon a "List of Irregular Employes."

Such expenditure must be limited to $750.

You will also employ an Interpreter when necessary,and when the Agency Interpreter cannot be spared for the purpose.