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[[preprinted]] Refer in reply to the following: [[/preprinted]] L
19478 - 1888
[[preprinted]] Department of the Interior, [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, [[/preprinted]]
Washington, August 7, 1888.
Miss Alice C.Fletcher,
U.S.Special Agent, 
To make allotments of Lands
in severalty to Indians,
Washington, D.C.
I transmit herewith,Office letter dated June 29,1888,
directing you to proceed to the Winnebago Reservation in Ne-
braska,for the purpose of continuing and completing the work
of making allotments to the Indians located thereon,which al-
lotments were authorized by the President July 1,1887.
These instructions were approved by the Secretary of the Secretary of the
Interior,August 4,1888,in the expectation that the work can
be completed before the coming winter,and that the entire cost 
of completing the same will not exceed $2,000.
The appropriation of $10,000.,for completing the work of 
allotments,made by the Act of Congress of June 29,1888,is
based upon the expectation that the same will be promptly and
diligently prosecuted to completion.
You are therefore expected to push the work with the ut-
most vigor diligence and dispatch consistent with a proper
discharge of your duties and to complete the same within the
time and cost above indicated.