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[[lines 17-26 have a large "x" drawn over them]]
17  restrictions, and limitations as are provided in section six of this
18  act touching patents to all others therein mentioned; but
19  such conditions, restrictions, and limitations shall not extend
20  beyond the expiration of the term expressed in the patent
21  herein authorized to be issued to the tribe in common: And
22  provided further, That these patents, when issued, shall over-
23  ride the patent authorized to be issued to the tribe as afore-
24  said, and shall separate the individual allotments from the
25  lands held in common, which proviso shall be incorporated in
26  the patent issued to the tribe.

1     SEC. 9. That the commissioners to be appointed by the
2   Secretary of the Interior under the provision of this act
3   shall receive compensation for their services at the rate of
4   five dollars for each day actively engaged in the duties herein
5   designated, in addition to the amount paid by them for actual
6   traveling and other necessary expenses.

1     SEC. 10. That in addition to the purchase, each pur-
2   chaser of said Winnebago lands shall pay two dollars, the
3   same to be retained by the register and the receiver of the land-
4   office of the district in which the land is situated, as their fees
5   for services rendered: Provided, That any right heretofore
6   acquired by the Sioux City and Nebraska Railroad Company
7   for right of way for a line of railway, and to lands for use
8   and occupy by said company for stations or depot purposes,
9   under a certain agreement made with the Winnebago Indians 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


10  bearing date the seventeenth day of April, eighteen hundred
11 and eighty, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on the
12  twenty-seventh day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty,
13  shall not be affected by this act.

H. R. 5778----2

Transcription Notes:
line numbers are all left justified