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Printer's No., 6378.


H.R. 5778

March 10, 1884

Read twice, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. VALENTINE  introduced the following bill:


To provide for the sale of a part of the reservation of the Winnebago tribe of Indians in the State of Nebraska, and for other purposes.

1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
3 That with the Consent of the Winnebago tribe of Indians ^[[in Nebraska]]
4 expressed in open council, the Secretary of the Interior be,
5 and he hereby is, authorized to cause to be surveyed, if
6 necessary, and sold, all that portion of the reservation of said 
7 tribe of Indians in the State of Nebraska as follow, to wit:
8 Commencing at the northwest corner of said reservation;
9 thence running east along the north line of the same, in town-
10 ship twenty-seven, to the range-line dividing ranges six and
11 seven east of the sixth principal meridian; thence south along
12 said range-line to the south line of said reservation; thence
13 west along the south line of said reservation to the west line