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23  to settle the tract upon which his improvements are situated
24  for allotment under the provisions of this section: Provided
25  further, That allotments made under the provisions of this
26  section shall be selected by the Indians, heads of families
27  selecting for their wives and children, and the agent or per-
28  son designated to make such allotments shall select for each
29  orphan child.

1   SEC. 6. That upon approval of the allotments provided
2   for in the preceding section by the Secretary of the Interior,
3   he shall cause patents to issue therefor in the name of the
4   allottees, after which the patents heretofore issued to any such
5   allottees under any former law or treaty shall be deemed and
6   held to be null and void, which patents shall be of the legal
7   effect, and declare that the United States does and will hold
8   the land thus allotted, for the period of twenty-five years, in trust
9   for the sole use and benefit of the Indians to whom such allot-
10  ments shall have been made,or,in case of his decease,of his heirs
11  according to the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that at
12  the expiration of said period the United States will convey the
13  same by patent to said Indian, or his heirs as aforesaid, in full
14  discharge of said trust and free of all charges or incumbrances
15  whatsoever.  And if any conveyance shall be made of the
16  lands set apart and allotted as herein provided, or any con-
17  tract made touching the same, before the expiration of the
18  time above mentioned, unless the consent in writing of the 

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19  Secretary of the Interior is first obtained therefor, such con-
20  veyance or contact shall be absolutely null and void: Pro-
21  vided, That the law of descent and partition in force in said
22  State shall apply thereto after patents therefor have been ex-
23  ecuted and delivered.

1   SEC. 7. That upon the completement of said allotments,
2   and the issuing of patents therefore,each and every member of
3   said tribe of Indians shall have the benefit of and be subject to
4   the laws, both civil and criminal, of the State of Nebraska.

1   SEC. 8.  That the residue of lands, after all allotments
2   have been made as in the fifth section of this act provided,  ^[[sold as per
    provisions and in like manner and upon said terms and conditions as provided in Sec. 1.2 2 &
    4 of this city.]]
3   shall be [[strikethrough]] patented to the said Winnebago tribe of Indians,
4   [[strikethrough]] which patent shall be of the legal effect, and declare that the
5   United States does and will hold the land thus patented,
6   for the period of twenty-five years, in trust for the sole
7   use and benefit of said Winnebago tribe of Indians, and
8   that at the expiration of said period the United States will
9   convey the same by patent to said tribe of Indians in
10  fee, discharged of said trust and free of all charge or
11  incumbrance whatsoever: Provided, That from the residue
12  of lands thus patented to the tribe in common allotments
13  shall be made and patented to each Winnebago child who
14  may be born prior to the expiration of the time during which
15  it is provided that said lands shall be held in trust by the
16  United States, in quantity and upon the same conditions, re-
[[curved line going through text from line 4 to the end of line 16]]