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Nebraska Oct. 17

Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs.


I have the honor to present the following case and to ask instructions upon the same. 

Under date of February 4th 1876. the S.W. N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 20. Township 26 Range 9. being in that purchased in 1874 for the  Wisconsin Winnebago was patented to Mary Crane. Ho-tah-wah Miss Mary Crane was an Ottawa Indian, who married a Winnebago and remained with the tribe after her husbands death. A house was built for her on her land. (she was a widow without children when she was allotted.)  She died, about 1881, leaving no heirs here.

Two years, or a little more, before her death, she sold her house and rights to her land, to a Nebraska Winnebago named Sharp.back.  This sale was agreed to by the Agent Howard White, as I am informed.  Sharp back entered upon possession of the property he had acquired, and has lived in the house and cultivated