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Department of the Interior
Washington, ^[[March 18]], 188^[[8]]

Refer in reply to the following: 
[[blank line]]

Hon Commissioner of Indian Affairs:


The enclosed letter from Mr C. W. Perry of Emerson, Nebraska has reached me this morning. As Mr. Perry was the [[mover?]], [[strikeout]]to a large extent, [[/strikeout]] of the dissatisfation expressed toward me in a letter published in the "New York World", and other newspapers, and also in a letter sent to the Indian office, his unsolicited retraction and apology [[strikeout]] for [[/strikeout]]concerning his charges against me, [[strikeout]]therefore[[/strikeout]] are important. to my public record. I therefore would respectfully request that his letter be made such use of by the office [[strikeout]] Dept. [[/strikeout]] as you shall deem best. and that it is to be filed with the letter containing charges already in the Dept.

[[signature]] Alice C. Fletcher [[/signature]]

Special Ind. Agt.