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[[strikethrough]] locality [[/strikethrough]].

Exhibit "F" contains a copy of the decision of the United States Court upon the case of U. S. vs. Harvey Peterson, which tells its own story.  In consequence of this decision the tract covered by the voided title; Lot 1 and S.E.1/4 of N.W.1/4 Sec. 1 T. 26 R. 8, was left open.

Exhibit "G" explains itself, and shows why the name of George Thunder appears on the list of fictitious patentees, and yet that there should be an allottee under the Act of Feb. 8, 1887, bearing that name.

It is important that those Indians who have their allottments upon the northern, western, and southern portion of the Reservation adjoining the white settlement^[[s]], and those who are in the Logan ^[[and]] Middle Creek Valleys, should be assisted in breaking upon their lands and in the erection of houses thereon.  The allottees in these localities are drawn from among the most industrious of the people, and as they must be the pioneers of the tribe in competing with white neighbors, they will need encouragement not only for their own sake but for the influence their success will have  upon the rest of the
