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[[preprinted]] 10 [[/preprinted]]

No'chin mie kaw. Mary Caramony.
Striking a tree (thunder) 
[[double underlined]] No chin nin kaw [[/double underlined]] widow aged. 64.
had 4 children. 2 sons. 2 daughters
(157) E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.10 T.26 R.7 (dup. R.) [[strikethrough]] Lots 3 & 4 7 W 1/2 S.E 1/4 Sec.8 T.26 R.8 161.16 acres.[[/strikethrough]]

1 Se sho'ka f married Wa kan ska.kaw. White snake. Land was patented under name of Jos. Parrish. Jos. P. died 7 years ago. leaving 4 children. Wife left for Wis. 4 years since & married.

1a [[strikethrough]]Che Ke[[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]]Che rish karnac kaw[[/underlined]] ^ Peter Snake ^  Suddenly coiling (snake. m. 20 years
(195) Lots 1 & 2 & W 1/2 N.E. 1/4 Sec.8 T.26 R.8 80.86 acres

[[strikethrough]] 2a ^ dead ^ [[underlined]]Che ma he kaw Charles Big tree.[[/underlined]] Enrolled with Big trees m 16 yrs [[/strikethrough]]

3a [[underlined]]H[[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]]unk iga na cha she kaw[[/underlined]] Like a cheif[[sp]] ^ John Snake. ^ [[strikethrough]] Charles [[/strikethrough]] m 8 yrs
(195) S.E. 1/4 S.W. 1/4 Sec.13 T.26 R.6 40 acres

4a [[underlined]]Oc see ah kaw Fourth[[/underlined]] Annie f 7 yrs.
(195) S.W 1/4 S W 1/4 Sec 13 T.26 R.6 40 acres

Son of Sochinmie kaw.
2 [[double underline]] wa-pa-con-mick-kaw [[/double underline]] [[underline]] Smart, capable. [[/underline]] [[double underline]] Jas. Caremonie [[/double underline]] ^ gave to his & married his on [[wes?]] ^  28 yrs.
Has a child - see p.6.  divorced wife allotted.p.7. (266)
(91) Lot.4. & S.W N.W 1/4 Sec.1.T.26.R.7.  79.96 acres.
Co  Connkaw. her. divorced wife Jus. Snyder  see p.261.
 (91) S.E 1/4 N.W 1/4 Sec.1.T.26.R.7.   40 acres
3 ^ Son of Sochinmiekaw ^ Ma chm hocle.kaw.  Great grizzle bear   gone to Mis.  24 yrs.

Daughter of Sochinmiekaw
4 Zee nee kaw.  Married to [[double underline]] John Nest. [[/double underline]] see p.11.   22 yrs

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[[preprinted]] 11 [[/preprinted]]

John Nest.  Hakarkaw
             3d Son

[[double underline]] John Nest [[/double underline]] Son of See-hoo-kaw, Flooding Sudddenly  mother dead.  age 46.
married to Zee nee kaw. see p.10. one child by this marriage.
(39) S.W.1/4 Sec.1.T.26.R.7.  160 acres.
1 [[underline]] Con-nakaw [[/underline]] .. First son. Charles  m  2 yrs.
(139) N.W.S.E.1/4 Sec.1 T.26.T.R.7.  40 acres.
Had a son by a woman who is dead.
2[[double underline]] Con na kaw [[/double underline]] [[underline]] First Son [[/underline]] [[double underline]] John Nast Jr. [[/double underline]]   22 yrs.
married to Henokaw. daughter of Chas. Frenchmen by whom he had one child. [[underline]] He no kaw [[/underline]]. born Jan 1886  dau.  16 yrs.
Henokaw left him & married Jos. Little bear. the child born after the second marriage of Henukaw.  divorced.
[[strikethrough]] (192) N. 1/2 N.W.1/4 Sec.12.T.26.R.7.  [[/strikethrough]]  80 acres.
^ dead ^
2a Henokaw. mo: dau of Chas. Frenchman  16 mos.
  allotted with the mother see p.20.

[[double underline]] Teehookaw [[/double underline]], the Father of John Nest & Grand Father John Nest Jr & Connokaw.      81 years.

359. N.1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec.12. }
     S.W 1/4 S.E 1/4 Sec.1.} T.26.R.7.}  160 acres.
      NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.11.T.26.R.9.  }