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[[preprinted]] 68 [[/preprinted]]

Longtail. Sinch'sah zich kaw     Eagle.

Longtail aged 58. Parents dead. no bros or sisters.
married to Cornelia Jefferson. ^ 55 yrs ^ 
   [[strikethrough]] Hack saha kaw 
   [[/strikethrough]] ^ Oc see ah kaw Eagle ^ ^ 3d 
   dau. ^ Parents dead. 
one sister White heart woman widow no heirs. Lives 
   with Logtail.
8 son. & 1 daughter.

(76) Lots 4 & 5 & SE. N.W 1/4 & S.W. N.E.1/4 Sec. 
   35.T.27 R.6. 145.67 acres.

1 Jooseph Long(tail). Ah hoo pie ekaw ^Sharp 
   erring. ^ Aged. 35 ^ wife Mrs Augustis 
Mother living with Henry Rice No.2. 2 step daus. 
   Mary Sh.Cry. ^ see p.107 ^ married to Jas. 
   French.p.140. & [[Inha?]] see p 17

(77) E 1/2 S.W.1/4 & W 1/4.S.E.1/4 Sec.36.T.27.R 
   6.  160 acres.

2. Cyrus Kah'dae june scp'khae dae kaw. ^ Big 
   black hawk. full br above ^ age 31. full bro 

(78) see allotment p.69.

3 Soloman. Wan'kar gee jai kaw ^ Falling upon as 
   prey. full br above ^ single age.29 [[ditto - 
   full bro above]]
(76) E 1/2 S/W/14 Sec.35.T.27.R.6.  80 acres.

4 [[strikethrough]] Jos. [[/strikethrough]] 
   George  Hae she chick kaw. ^ Bad Harn  full 
   br. above ^ in Wisconsin. married 2 childr., 
   Age 27.
 Not allotted not on census Roll.

5. John White Long(tail). Neejuie ska kaw  ^ 
     White Goose. full br above ^ age. 25.
   Married to  Hko chee winkaw (Spirit) 1 dau. 
     Joe Johnson. 22.
   [[???]] as a son see p.186. Living under him.
(79) Lots 4 & 5. & S.W. N.E 1/4 &S.E. N.W 1/4 
   Sec.36.T.27.R 6 142.99 acres

6. Hah'he win ^ n ^ e kaw. ^ Walking day ^ . 
    Philip Long  Hampton. 18 mo. dead
mo. dead. dau. of Red Legs.
(76) E 1/2 S.E 1/4 Sec. 35.T.27 R.6.  80 acres.

7. Mijah'hah;khelp pin ^ win ^ kaw ^ comes up 
     from [[the?]] Earth.  full br above ^ 
     [[strikethrough]] Ma mie [[/strikethrugh ^ 
     [[Namrie?]]^ Long.  [[Genna?]].  14  [[ditto 
     - mo. dead]]  [[?]]
(76) N.W. S.W 1/4 Sec.36.T.27 R.6.  40 acres.

8 Chae'kaw ^ Buffalo    full bro above. ^ 
   [[Genge?]] Long.  [[ditto [[Genna?]] ]] 12 
   [[ditto mo. dead]]
(76) S.W S.W 14 Sec.36.T.27 R.6.   40 acres.

9 Wa zae chaz ^ wa ^ kaw ^ Twin. ^  Peter Snow 
   Long  Carlisle. 20 ^ mo married to [[going 
   lucks?]] ^ 
mo was wife Small Snake.
76 W 1/2 S E 1//4 Sec.35.T.27 R 6.  80 acres.

[[strikethrough]] Wa muck ska mie kaw. White [[Bread?]] Woman  Eagle. [[/strikethrough]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 69 [[/preprinted]]

Cyrus Long(tail) Kae'dae jun sep'khae dae kaw.  ^ 
   Big black hawk ^ Eagle

Cyrus Longtail Age 31. Father Longtail see p.68.
married to Chake'E naekee me numkaw..^ one young 
   bear making  a hole & going by himmself. ^  ^ 
   38 ^ Bear. Parents dead.
John [[Brown?]] his br. [[strikethrough]] [[???]] 
   [[/strikethrough]] dau. Susan. ^ [[???]] ^ see 
   p. 56.
One Son. one dau.
(78) Lot 3 & S.E.1/4 N.E 1/4 Sec 35.T.27.R.6 } 
   158.16 acres.
     Lots 4 & 5 & 9. Sec 19.T.26 R.9         }
1 Hohr nich mon ^ n ^ ekaw ^ Walking in file ^   
   Lucy Long  girl 5 yrs.
161 (78) Lot 6 Sec.36 T.27.R 6.  31.24 acres.

2 Char'wa'shepnekaw ^ Like an Eagle. ^  David 
   Long  3 yrs.
(78) S.W. N.W 1/4 Sec. 36.T.27.R 6.   40 acres