Viewing page 109 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 108 [[/preprinted]]

Joseph Arnell Jr.  Nj sakaesishkaw.
                    Broken Treetop.

Joseph Arnell Jr. age. 32. Father Oliver. dead. ) 
   br. of
Jos. & Prosper Arnell. 3 sisters see p.82. no br. 
   or sis.
married to Louisa Blackhawk  Ka zae ju sa he min 
   kaw. ^ Black hawk ^ ^ age 38 ^ F. dead. Mo 
wife of White heart.
1 child. [[strikethrough]] 1 step c 
   [[/strikethrough]] wife one child a.
(11) S.E.1/4 Sec.28.T.26 R.7. 160 acres.

1 Antoine  1 yr.
(11) N.E.1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec.28.T.26 R.7  40 acres.

2 Connokaw.   5 yrs.
F Little thunder Petersen. see p.35
enrolled with father see p.35. (28)

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[[preprinted]] 109 [[/preprinted]]

Michael St. Crys.

Michael St. Crys. age. 52. Father living 
   (Micheal.) Mo. dead. ^ Winneechota. Blue Earth 
   [[C.?]] ^ Father 1/2 br.
Hyacungta. - & Abner (dead) - no sis. 1/2 sister 
   - 4 -
Ednard, William Hyacynth Valentine, 1/2 ^ br ^ Moses. ^ Full sister ^ Mrs ^ Mary ^  
   [[Laridosh?]] Russel, Julia ^ in Ilinois ^
1/2 sister Delia     Elevenice. unmarried. 
   [[Lorsey?]] (10 yrs)
Louisa Tillotson. br,Agustas St. Crys, (dead)
wife dead.  8 children.

died before being allotted old patent given to 

1 David. mo. Julia. dau. Tall Decora. see p.    
   24 yrs.
(162) S 1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec 12.T26.R.6.  80 acres

2 Julia. full sister above.   22 yrs.
(162) N 1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec.12.T.26.R.6.   80 acres

3 Levi mo. ^ dead ^ dau. Good Red bird Woman 
   [[strikethrough]] see p. [[/strikethrough]] 21 
   yrs.  21yrs.
Big Bearskin.
(162) E.`/1 N.E 1/4 Sec.11.T.26.R.6.  80 acres.

4 Aimie full sis of David.  19
(162) N.1/2 S.E 1/4 Sec.11.T.26.R.6.  80 acres.

5 Abner. full bro. of Levi  19
(162) W 1/2 N.E.1/4 Sec.11.T,26,R.6.  80 acres.

6 Minniee full sister of David.  18
(162) E.1/2 N.w 1/4 Sec.11.T.26.R.6.  80 acres.

7 Louis. 10
(162) N.W 1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec.11.T.26.R.6.  80 acres.

8 Lily   4
(162) S.E. S.W.1/4 Sec 1}
      S.W S.E. 1/4      } Sec.1 [[strikethrough]] 
        1 [[/strikethrough]] .T.26.R.6  80 acres.