Viewing page 102 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 94 [[/preprinted]]

John Raymond. Na he hamp'he cha nekaw  Eagle.
              Clouds gather past & gather again.

John Raymond. age 54. Father & Mo. dead. ^ 2 full 
   br. ^ Chonemonekaw ^ walking ahead ^ 
Na kocho he ^ ca nis ^ kaw ^ too many trails made 
   in air ^ ^ & 1 sister ^ Ah hoose ska winkaw. ^ 
   White Wing ^ 5 1/2 bros. in Wis. King of Thunder
King of Sirans. Charlie White. Majirhump chmpkaw. 
   ^ Lightning falling in distance ^ Siran chief.
Wife Big Winnebago Woman. ^ 41 yrs ^  dau. of Big 
   bear. see p.92.
6 children. by present info.
     [[strikethrough]] N.W [[/strikethrough]] S.E 
        1/4 S.E 1/4 Sec.19 T.26 R.7.
(45) S.W. N.E, 1/4 & Lot.2.Sec.a.T26.R 8 x} old 
         patent John Rayman.
     [[strikethrough]] S.W. N.W 1/4 Se 
         [[/strikethrough]] N.W. S.W 1/4 
         Sec.26.T.26.R.6. } 159.28

1 George. Ha nu kaw  Phila.  19 years
(45) S.E. N.E.1/4 & N.E. S.E 1/4 Sec.27.T.26.R.6.  
   80 acres.

2 Charles Ha kar kaw  Phila   18 years
(45) N.W. NE.1/4 & N.e. N.W 1/4 Sec.34.T.26.R.6.   
   80 acres.

3 Nellie He nu kaw   12 years
(45) S.W. N.W.1/4 Sec.26.T.26.R.6   40 acres.

4 Maggie Ne hun kaw  Phila   10 years
(45) S.W. S.E.1/4 Sec.27.T.26 R.6.   40 acres.

5 Jeanette Oc see ah kaw   5 years
(45) N.W.S.E 1/4 Sec.27 T 26. R.6.   40 acres.

6 Fanny He nue ka kaw   2 years
(45) S.W. N.E 1/4 Sec.27 T.26 R.6.   40 acres.

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[[preprinted]] 95  [[/preprinted]]

Thomas Decora.  Hae nuz ge kaw. Mixed blood. Not 
   in any gens.
                Stand by (yellow)
Thos. Decora. 45 years. Father living in Wis. 
   (Chooge kaw) ^ Gooden spoon ^ Mo. dead. ^ 
   Mothers br. Little Thunder came evening ^ no ^ 
   full ^ brs. all dead
1/2 bro. & sis in Wis.
no sis.  Wife. Ne hunkaw. ^ 40 yrs ^ Father dead. 
   Mo. dead. [[strikethrough]] 1/2 br. 
   [[/strikethrough]] ^ no brs. ^ Jim Jones^ a 
   cousin ^ by Geo.
3 children ^ by present wife ^ wife two children 
  by Frank Lebo. Frank Lebo Jr. & Geo.
x Retains old patent.
(46) N.W. S.E.1/4 Sec.22 & N.E. N.E.1/4 
   Sec.27.T.26.R.6. x   180 acres.

3 [[strikethrough]] Lucy [[/strikethrough]] ^ 
   [[strikethrough]] Mary [[/strikethrough]] Lucy 
   ^ Wa gae zhae me mick kaw ^ Sitting high in 
   the Air. ^ (Little Thunder [[give 2 acs?]] ) 
(46) N.W. S.W.1/4 Sec.23.T26 R.6.  40 acres.

2 Thomas Jr Wa na sie de kee de kaw. ^ thinks of 
   something or place &this wind comes back. ^ 
   (Eagle bear gave name)   14 years.
(46) S.W. S.W 1/4 Sec.23.T.26.R.6   40 acres.

4 Ah kee honanae wiekaw  Annie.   1 year
  dividing in new ways V.
(45) N.W. N.W 1/4 Sec.26.T.26.R.6.   40 acres.

Newton tree.  Naw he kaw    all Senra.

Newton tree. age 19. Father & Mo. dead. 1 uncle. 
   ^ White wolf ^ 2 Aunts. One wife of My Soul. & 
   other widow Ah hae hefskae Wisklie. Mother's 
   Mo. living ^ White Face Woman ^
Has one br. Little Winnebago ^ Hr chunk ho nee 
   kaw ^ & no sisters
(47) N.E 1/4 S.E.1/4} Sec.2.T.26.R.5   80 acres.
     S E 1/4 N.E 1/4}

1 Mary. Mother dead. no br or sis.. married 
   [[strikethrough]] Little [[/strikethrough]] 
   Daniel Soldier. Son of Blackhawk.
see p. 209.