Viewing page 131 of 194

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[[preprinted]]  152 [[/preprinted]]

[[strikeout]] Christopher [[/strikeout]] Lainson  Whirling Thunder  Wakonchai kenekaw.

[[strikeout]] Chris. [[/strikeout]] Lanison.  
   Whirling Thunder- Age. 37  F dead (a crow) 
   ^[[was a crow]] Mo. dead
   ^[[a wimaboy?]] no bro or sis.
No bro or Sis.
married ^[[Henu mikaw]] Mrs. Henry Wilkinson age. 
   40. F and M. dead.  no bro or sis.
one 1/2 bro. by M. Maneater  1 1/2 sis wife Mrs. 
2 children 1 ^[[a]] step dau.

 [[in red ink]] W 1/2 S.E 1/4. & E. 1/2. N. W. 1/4 Sec. 
   29. T.26. R.9  (265)        160 acres.[[/in red ink]]

1  Frank T.[[J.?]] Thunder. Conokaw.            18 yrs.
mo. now wife of Geo. Sun.

[[red ink]] (265)  W. 1/2 S. W. 1/4 Sec. 29. T.26. R.9.    80  acres.[[/red ink]]

2  Mary.    Hinukaw              18 yrs.

(265)  N.E. 1/4 S. W 1/4. Sec 29. T.26.R.9.    40 

3[[a]]  Mary Wilkinson    Henuwinkaw     10 yrs.
F. Henry Wilkinson [[strikeout]] in Wis 
   [[/strikeout]] dead  1 bro in Iowa  1 sis wife 
   Capt. Jefferson
has a son by present wife of John Priest.

(265)  S. E. 1/4 S. W. 1/4 Sec.29.T.26. R.9.   40 

[[end page]]
[[begin page]]

[[preprinted]] 153 [[/preprinted]]

Red Legs   Cahosakaw. (Big Eagle.)  Honockaday 

RedLegs  age 69   F and M. dead no bro or sis
1 bro. John Skunk
married to Heneukaw F & M. dead no bro 1 sis 
   Wehunkaw Elk
1 child

[[red ink]](267)  N.E. 1/4 Sec. 22. T.26.R.6.     160 acres.[[/red ink]]

1 White Gull   mother dead.
Allotted see p. 123.

John Skunk.   Ha tae zhe dae he Kaw (Blazing up of fire.)
John Skunk age 71.   F. & M. dead full bro of Red 
no wife or children.

[[red ink]](268)  E 1/2 N.E. 1/4 Sec. 27. T.26.R.9.       40 acres. [[/red ink]]
[[1/4 underlined twice]]

Transcription Notes:
Put name meanings in parenthesis for clarification AW