Viewing page 122 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 134 [[/preprinted]]

Geo. Rainbow.  Ne pa mae kwee kaw.   Eagle.

Geo. Rainbow. age 44. F. Fourcloud in Wis. ^ no bro. 2 sis. Ma 
   shon ska wie kaw. [[Geseeahkaw?]]. ^ Mother
Mary Anne Lowrey. no brs. 1 sis. Younkaw.
George no brs. 1. sis. He nu nee kaw wife Jeremy Rosey.
Married to He nukaw. Ellen Tebo. ^ dau. Frank Tebo. ^ see p.132.
2 children.
(232) W 1/2 [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] S.E.1/4 
   N.W 1/4 Sec.28.T.26.R.9 }
      S.E 1/4 S.E.1/4 Sec.4.T.26.R.6.} 160 acres.

1 [[strikethrough]] Julia [[/strikethrough]] Lily 
   Wa Ketesh a hoo mie kaw.  13 yrs.
     Come from high.
Mother ^ He nuck he ne kee kaw ^ dau of Alex 
   Payer. now wife of Charles Houghton.
Allotted near mother's land becaise she has 
   always cared for the child.
[[strikethrough]] 232 S.E.1/4 S.E.1/4 
   Sec.4.T.26.R.6. 40 acres. [[/strikethrough]]
see p.127.

2 Wa kon za sep kaw.  Thomas.   1 yr.
    Black Thunder.
232 N.E 1/4 N.E.1/4 Sec 9.T.26.R.6.  40 acres.

Mary Ann Lowry. Wa kon sa see mie kaw. thunder.
                 Yellow Thunder

Mary Ann Lowry. Age 61. F. & M. dead. no brs. 1 
Married to Four Cloud who is his Cousin. Married 
   and has
another family.
2 children.
233. S.W.1/4 S.E 1/4 & S.E.1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec.4}
     N.W 1/4 N.E.1/4 Sec.9} T.26.R.6. 160 acres.
 S.E.1/4 S.E.1/4 Sec.16.T.26.R.9. x
x Patent of Geo. Rainbow.

1 Geo. Rainbow. 44

2 He nu nie kaw wife Young [[R????????]]  35

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[[preprinted]] 135 [[/preprinted]]

James Yellowhawk  Me he do ba kaw.  Eagle.

Jas. Yellowhawk age. 26. F. dead. Uncle U.S. 
   Grant. ^ Auts ^ [[strikethrough]] sis 
   [[/strikethrough]] Mrs Beaver Mrs
Aham Lincoln. M. dead. no br sis.
Jas. Yellowhawk no full. ^ brs. ^ 1/2 br by F. 
   (Little Crow.) [[strikethrough]] no sis 
   [[/strikethrough]] ^ Amos. Yellowhawk see 
   p.47. ^
Married to Ne hun kaw. Jenny Tebo. dau. Frank 
   Tebo. see p.132.
1 child.
     S 1/2 S.E 1/4 & S.1/2 S.W 1/4 Sec.11.T.26
(182) [[strikethrough]] N.W 1/4 Sec.11.T.26.R.7. 
   [[/strikethrough]]   160 acres

1 Hae nuckaw. Ma [[strikethrough]] Kee 
   [[/strikethrough]] Khe guntah kaw.  John. 1 
          Shakes the [[Faects?]].
182 N.W.1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec.11.T.26.R. 
  [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7 40 

Mrs Buchanan Blackhawk. Heenchowiekaw

Mrs B. Blackhawk age 18. F. Louis Buchanan see 
   p.133 Mo dead 1 br Little
Walker is his cousin   1 hv brs. Amos & Thomas.
divorced (deserted by Jas. Blackhawk).
1 child.
(248) E 1/2 S.W 1/4 Sec.30.T.26 R.9.  80 acres.

1 Henewkaw   July 1889,  3 mos.
[[strikethrough]] (248) Lot 4. Sec.30.T.26 R.9.  
   38.32 acres