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Mrs Holt they had no right on the reservation, but that as Mr Cox had ploughed some 50 acres or more and had it in wheat & potatoes (he raised potatoes last year on the land) he could harvest his crop and be ready to leave in September.  He replied he should contest the case, and that he would not go.  From several sources both white and Indian I hear of his attempts to defeat the will of the people of this tribe, and I enclose one of several letters sent me that the Department may be informed of the line of his approach.

The land claimed by Mrs Holt & her children had been previously claimed by Indians, as also that taken by Mrs Cox & her family all but a small tract which Mrs Cox purchased from an Indian, his claim & a bit of ploughing.  There is in that locality north of the Clearwater about 3000 acres of good unallotted land for which there are claimants who require 6000 acres for their full allotment.  I must therefore in justice to rightful allottees, allot all the land held by the families of Cox and Holt.

I write this letter that the office would be fully