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Nez Perce Agency Idaho.
June 5, 1889

Hon. Comm'r of Indian Affairs

I have the pleasure to report that I have secured the services of Mr Edison Briggs of Pataha city Washington, as Surveyor at a per diem of eight dollars per day. ($8.)

Mr Briggs is a competant man, whose has done surveying for the Government in the past, and is well acquainted with the Country. The task assigned him will involve camping for the season, from one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles from any base of supplies, and necessitate a considerable camp outfit. He can not therefore do his work and find all his transportation for any less sum. I may state that I have had communication with several men, in Spokane Falls and else where, and found them all engaged at ten dollars per day.

I will report upon Indian assistants as soon as I am sure the proper Indians are secured. I am trying certain men at present. 

I would respectfully request the approval of the above Engagement of Mr Briggs.

[[signature]] Alice C. Fletcher [[/signature]]
Special Ind. Agt.