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Nez Perce Agency Idaho, June 14, 1889.

Hon. Comm'r of Indian Affairs

It will be necessity for me to make Kamia my headquarters for the next four or five months, and to go out from there camping as I do my work. There is an abandoned government building I think I can make to serve as shelter, but I am in need of a few articles to live with, such as a bed, mattress blankets and the like. There is quite a large supply of these in the warehouse, and in view of the fact of the costliness of all articles needful to life in the towns near here and the difficulty of transportation by pack horses from the settlements into Kamia, and also as the few things I should need, would not be needed here in all probability, I would respectfully ask if such articles as are absolutely necessary could be loaned me, and receipted for by me, and returned to the Agency when I am through with them. If this can be granted it will be a help in a line that will be no loss to the service, but of great assistance to me. I have purchased my tent and camp outfit. 

^[[Please wire reply as I wish to start out as soon as possible.]]

[[signature]] Alice C. Fletcher [[/signature]]
Special Ind. Agt.