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and a small house intended for a hospital was erected by the Government. The Agent's house is now occupied by the Miller, and the hospital, by the Missionary Miss Kate McBeth. Within the enclosure of the Agents house, the Mission Board erected a house for the use of its missionary, Mr Deffenbaugh. Upon the removal of this missionary the late Agent, Mr Norris, claimed the house as government property because, he said, it was built upon Gov't ground.

It is certainly worthy of notice that the description of the land in Mr Langford's deed is clearly in two parts. The first part is designated by metes and bounds, and these boundaries are today well known to the Indians and the land thus enclosed is acknowledged as that which was given Mr Spalding by the Indians for his mission and home. The Indians have always respected this gift. No one has entered upon this land, and made his home there and no Indian today lays claim to this land.  The second part of the land described in the deed, takes as its point of beginning one of the points used to mark the bounds of the first tract, that is, "the south-east corner of the unfinished stone church," from this point the tract follows the meander of the creek to make out 640 acres.