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[[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]]

I have respectfully called your attention to the mis-statements in the field-notes, and the omissions concerning the broken, rocky, rugged nature of the land, because the official characterization of the land has continued to be eronius. I have traveled on the reservation carefully, on that part where I was told I should find 300,000 acres of fine agricultural land, and I found grazing land, with here and there places where grain might ripen, and hardy vegetables grown. Frosts are liable every night in the year. Since I left the Agency, and have been camping on the reservation, the ground has been several times white with frost. There is on the average 30 degree difference between day and night and frequently 40 to 45. The climate prevents the country being agricultural. It is favorable to grass, and wheat is raised to be cut in the milk for hay. The maturing of grain, wheat, oats, barley is confined to favorable localities. The country is also lacking in water. The streams are shallow, and fall into sink holes, springs are found here and there, but in parts of the country east of Craig's Mts. and between the Clearwater & Salmon rivers, water is very difficult to find

Transcription Notes:
erroneous cut in the milk = cut as the seedheads are just forming