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If Miss Kate McBeth could be induced to return to Kamiah where she formerly labored with such wonderful results, she and her sister Miss S. L. McBeth, who were surely persecuted by the Agent and their schools broken up, if Miss K. McBeth would come here from Lapwai and open a school in the building already here, the government furnishing her a native assistants, (Miss McB. is under the Pres. Board of Foreign Missions.) I think it would be a good plan.  The ^[[school]] building could be put in repair for a comparatively small sum.

The Mill here is now in good condition, the building needs repair & the machinery cleaning etc.  It should be put in order & a young Indian trained to run it.  It should then be put on a paying basis.  The mill is a saw & grist mill & both are much needed here.

A portable mill is needed, for this people to be set up on Craigs Mt.  Many Indians will need lumber for houses, churches etc., and the accessible lumber is on Craig Mt. & the Indians can easily haul from there, as their loaded teams will go down hill, not up.  If a company of Indians could be formed to purchase & run such a mill it would be a good plan.  I think it could be done.  I mean the Indians found and instructed how to do the business.