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In the Field  Nez Perce
Sept. 9   9

Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs

The off horse, which had been so badly foundered before I received him and whose feet have given so much trouble, has fallen so lame I cannot use him. His hoofs, in spite of all the care they could be given him in camp, have cracked to the quick. I have been obliged to hire a horse to take his place. I am in camp as I have been for some time, indeed nearly all the time since June, I have been tenting. The horses have had hard travel, but have been well cared for. As I wrote I have to haul both hay & grain and have had to hire a pack horse several times, as I could not spare my horses from my work. The difficulties of travel in this country are very great, it not infrequently happens that in order to go 2 miles in a straight line, one must travel 8 or 10 miles, owing to almost impassable canyons lying between.

I would respectfully request that I be authorized to hire, or to purchase another horse. I need an extra one & can buy a good horse for $75.00. I have seen the animal, he is owned near my present camp.

[[signature]] Alice C. Fletcher [[/signature]]
Special Ind. Agent