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Mr Monteith's phrases and acts, which also showed me that he was unsafe when not under the strong hand of a good leader.  But Mr & Mrs Mc Conville are favorites among the Indians, their children are well taken care of ^[[ by them]] but I question whether this man & his wife have sufficient education or culture to direct in any school line.  I am sorry that Mr McConville has been so foolish as to join Mr Monteith in fighting Mr Eaves.  He has [[?]] in, he is doing so and he is also advising the Indians not to send their children to school.  All of Monteith's men are determined to make the school a failure if they can.  [[??]] Indian officials & white employees.  There is no loyalty to Eaves or government here, nothing but personal spite & gossip.

Since I have been so frank with you, I may as well say a few words about Mr Monteith who was an entire stranger to me when I arrived.  I have never met so bad a man.  It may be that the United States have had Agents who stole vast sums of money but they have never had, I trust, a man who has so misused his power to injure the best men in the tribe, to crush out the noblest elements at work among the people, to tyranize in a manner that it seems difficult to believe in the face of the strongest evidence.  Mr Monteith has allied  him