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west line of the reservation run to Lake Waha and trespassers shown the true line and requested to move their fences back to it; and the South line carried East through Range 4, West and partly through Range 3, West.

My transportation being secured, and camping outfit obtained, on July 1st I started for the Eastern part of the reservation, camping in different parts of the reservation, examining the lands, meeting the Indians settled at Meadow Creek & winning their confidence and consent to allotment. I [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] traveled over Camas Prarie, lying East of Craigs Mt. in order to see what the white settlers had proven to be the capacity of the land for Agriculture and also traversed the reservation South of Lawyer's Canyon. The results of these observations were embodied in my report of July 19, wherein I called attention to the singular omission in the