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of this road.

In view of the injury to the allottees, and that this road and its east branch, which is not a mail route, but a road made by white settlers living north of the reservation in Section 23, etc., not only cuts across the land suitable for fields, but that it must be fenced on both sides to keep out stock, involving over seven miles of fencing incurring an expense the Indians are not able to meet, I would respectfully suggest that the Surveyor, Mr. Briggs, be authorized to report upon the feasibility and propriety of the proposed change of road and that he stake out the new road indicating where grades, if any, should be established and that the Department upon the basis of this report should negotiate with the County Commissioners for the change of road, with the understanding that said change should be made without expense to the County and that all work should be done by the allottees who are to be benefitted by the change of highway.

I would further suggest that the Surveyor be authorized to report upon the roads that are in present use upon the reservation and to make such suggestions as to changes as will prevent any future difficulties with allottees and at the same time serve the public welfare of both whites and Indians; and that in conjunction