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Ft. Lapwai Idaho.
Oct. 11, 1890.

Hon. Comm'r of Indian Affairs:

I have the honor to report that the work of allotting is almost at a standstill for two reasons: First: The Surveyor when going on the ground in Township 34 R. 4 W. to run out the allotments of some 20 Indians I had collected, found that some men, who have opposed the allotment, had completely distroyed all the monuments, and consequently a resurvey of the entire Township will be necessary. Mr Briggs and the party have spent several days searching for the traces of the old survey. The work of destruction was probably done last year, and two seasons of cattle ranging have aided in defacing all signs. The fraction of the Townships south, T. 33 R. 4 & T. 33 R. 3 are both unsurveyed and so is T. 34 R. 3 except a few sections about the R. C. Mission  Until these lines are run, no allotments can be made in that vicinity where the few Indians who are here take their lands, so nothing can be done. 

Second: nearly all the Indians who are unallotted, except a few whose allotments are selected upon