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Nez Perce
Oct 4   90

Hon. Comm'r of Indian Affairs:

I have the honor to report upon the work of allotment on this reservation as follows:

All the Indians residing at Kamiah and at Meadow Creek with the exception of 39 are allotted. These 39 take their land upon unsurveyed land and as soon as the Surveyor reaches that locality their allotments will be run out. I have arranged to notify those Indians and they have agreed to come when summoned and see their corners.

Up to Oct. 1, there were 655 completed allotments  Of these 100 were taken in two places, that is, the family had a home on the bottom and the other members took land else where. 45 were run out three times to finally effect a compromise and secure a peaceful settlement. These 655 allotments cover 63.849.42 acres. All of this has been run out and carefully graded as to the class of soil. Of these allotments 175 have been subject to contention and negociation

Transcription Notes:
negociation spelt as it appears continued on next page