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unsurveyed land are away in the mountains hunting. I have had men riding over the country to gather the people, but few are here. They will not return until "snow flies," when it will be too late for field work.

The winter promises to set in earlier than last season. Snow has already appeared on the mountains, and it looks as though it would be impossible to do much more this year.

I shall push my registry of the tribe, and classification of localities where the Indians take land, as far as I can, so that the allotment can be completed in a short time next season.

I am greatly disappointed not to finish this year but it was beyond the power of human accomplishment. The territory is not only of great extent; equal to 33 or 34 Townships broken up by mountains, cut up by deep canyons, & traversed for 100 miles by the swift Clearwater river. These conditions make travel difficult and tedious since there are no roads where I work.

[[signature]] Alice C Fletcher [[/signature]]
Spl. Ind. Agt.