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case. On the appointed day, May 16, Mrs Cox was detained in Lewiston by the illness of her child, and very few Indians were presented the Agency. The Council was adjourned to June 28, at Kamiah where Mrs Cox's principal witnesses lived. Prior to that time I took down the testimony of [[Tonalesser?]] to present it to the Council with the other evidence.

On June 28, the following testimony as to Mrs Cox's relationship to the Nez Perce tribe was submitted: [[Tonalesser?]], brother of Chief Looking Glass who was killed in the Nez Perce war of 1877, stated that his grandfather had a brother named [[Ip-stsa-latet?]] who went to the Dalles, married there, had a son, who was the father of Mrs Cox.

The daughter of Chief Looking Glass stated she had heard that Mrs Cox was related to her family, that her own grandfather's name was [[Allea-lain-go?]].

Old Mrs Leviton said [[Allea-lain-go?]] and [[Ip-stsa-latet?]] were brothers.

The letter of George Waters herewith enclosed was submitted. Also the letter of Jos. Stevens likewise enclosed.  None of the Indians present recognized the names given by these Yakama Indians, as belonging to [[Nez Perce?]] Indians, nor had they ever heard them before.