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new survey have been written out. New survey has been made of Fractional Township 36. N. Range 5. West and of " " [[dittos for Fractional Township]] 37 " " " " [[dittos for  N. Range 5. West]] Subdivision in T. 37. N. Range 3 West.

Considerable time and work has been spent upon the boundary line between the mouth of Hatwai Creek and the N. W. Corner, and upon the North boundary of Res. in T. 37. N. R. 5 W. in order to get at all the facts as far as possible relative to the case of the intruder on that part of the reservation who holds the land by patent.

The money expended this year is as follows.
Surveyor. $696. | Men 163. | Total $869.00.

Total expenditure from July 5, 1889, to May 1, 1891
Surveyor. $2,734.00 | Men $2,221.00 | Total $5,957

There remains the following new survey to be done.
T. 36. N. Range 1. W; T. 36 N. R. 3 W.; T. 36 N. R. 1 E.; T. 36. N. R. 2 E.; Fraction of T. 36. R. 4 W.; and Fraction of T. 37. R. 3 W.  These will be retracing expressed in several townships, beside running allotments & adjusting old allotments under the Amendment of the Act of Feb. 8, 1887. For this work I estimate $2080. will be needed. Of the funds hitherto appropriated $6903. in all. $5,957.