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This evidence was to be submitted to the people on the Fourth of July at Kamiah and the Lapwai, when they were gathered together. I transmitted the case as it stood to the Agent to present to the Indians at Lapwai. It seemed likely that the name given by Looking Glass' daughter and that given by Geo. Waters were the same, making allowance for the different languages of the two persons; and knowing that the children of brothers addressed their father's brothers, as father, I thought this accounted for the discrepancy between [[Tonalesse?]] and his [[sister?]] as to names given by them.

At Kamiah on the 4th of July when the people were all together, numbering between four and five hundred, I bade them all sit in five different groups, and appointed a man, who could speak English and Nez Perce and also read and write to act as [[teller?]] for each group. Every vote was regularly taken and counted and reported in due form to the assembly, upon every adoption, for there were several [[complaints?]] [[?]] and upon the evidence presented touching Mrs Cox claim to Nez Perce blood.

The enclosed letters were read, and old Mrs [[Scanton?]] publicly questioned by the leading men. The result was that, white Geo. Waters and Jos. Stevens was exonerated from all intentional wrong in their statements. These facts  were