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gone to lunch I write. This morning we have been at the cases, getting the articles in order. If it took me all day to arrange our little [[catient?]] at home you can fancy the labor here. This afternoon I hope to complete the mounting and arranging of the contents of Laced Pole pack.

I have been reading a rare old book. "Travels in America Performed in 1806" by Thomas Ashe. London 1808. I am copying out an acct of the Osage ceremony he saw. Worship of the Sun. It is very interesting & suggestive. His accts of some of the mounds in Ohio are very important. He tells of one he opened which was composed of layers of stones & layers of sand. until at last he reached a layer of colored stones, such as were ^[[only]] to be found at the Gr. Lakes. - "1 in deep by 2 in square. white, green, dark blue pale and spotted red". These stones & "bits of dyed wood, bone & bits of [[terreous?]] & testacious substances" were used to form a sort of mosaic which portrayed "the full length figures of a warrior under whose feet a snake