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him your Washington address so that he will communicate directly with you.  Send you the contract, and the suggestions.  I will ask him what he would offer as a title.  I presume he desires to have the work "Indian" to draw attention to the peculiar character of the book.  How would this do "Indian School boy, in the Middle Five." that is the old title, practically, only reversed.
As to the introduction Mr. Small speaks of, I will ask him if a Preface written by you could not cover all the points, the statement concerning the Omahas, the autobiographical touch, the peculiarities of the English of the boys.  I am willing to do it, but as the introduction is not to be an introduction of you, which of course you could not do for yourself then I do not see the value of anyone else appearing in the book but yourself.  I will await Mr Smalls answer, to this question.  He looks at it from a business point of view as well as that of a cultured man, so I