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Your matters are arranged - how you got on after I left. When you went back to the office, and about your leaving for Nebraska.  Don't forget to write me often. Remember that I am anxious to hear & know all about your welfare.

I very much hope you will decide to take the trip to the Yellowstone when you go to S. Dakota to see [[Caroll?]].  You will not soon again be so near & when you can go as cheaply.  I want you to see the CaƱon with its wonderful coloring and to watch the geysers, and see the strange conditions that seem as tho. one was taken into the great workshop of nature. 

Last Saturday evening there was an entertainment. Songs, recitation, stories, speeches were made & I was asked to speak of Indian Music & I did & every one was very greatly interested.  Several have asked when our book would be out.  Poor [[Fire?]][[?]]people will be interested in Ind. Music & he cannot help it!

I hope you will hear from Cadman.  I have not his address or Mrs. Eberhart's.  Please send them to me.

Give my love to Susan, Margaret & Lucy.  Remember me to all our friends.  Please pay Lucy for the little moccasins & I will remit to you.  I shall hear from the Bank & as soon as I do will mail my check for $60. to you & you can send it to Dora to deposit.

Goodbye dear Francis, keep your heart steadied by the belief in God our Father, who if we try to do right will grant us strength & give us peace.

Ever Affectionately, M.