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from you in this afternoon's mail in time I think to enclose the check in this letter if I learn where you will be.

I wrote Mr [[Mimms?]] before I left Washington to send me a statement every month of my balance by that means I will know if the dividends are paid & will at once forward the check to you.  Mr. [[Mimms?]] received my letter for he has advised me here of a sum received & placed to my credit from the sale of certificate I left with him.

Just here I was called to lunch, & I learn that I cannot wait for the mail & get this letter off in the post in time to catch tomorrows steamer.  So I must let this letter go without my check for your money, which is already made out & waiting.

The customs here are very different.  We breakfast at 8 o'clock.  Lunch is at 1.  This meal is like a dinner, meat, vegetables, dessert.  At 4 o'clock tea is served, with thin slices