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fill in omissions by asking questions etc. The necessity of writing down at once is very much emphasized by the scholars here. As I wrote you I have had [[underlined]] ms [[/underlined]] lent me of a book of field illustrations that is to be issued for me to read over & suggest. I've done so & in that book every writer, for several scientific men have joined to make this book, makes a strong point that we must write down what is learned [[underlined]] at once [[/underlined]] & not trust to memory. I speak of this because I am very desirous that you should do good work. & win a name for yourself.

During the few days as I was in Liverpool I did not have any time or opportunity to write. There was no place in my room & no place in any room. I read several books and bought heavy flannels such as I could not wear at home. but I am warm. It rained all the time I was in Liverpool. I came here with Miss Myers. Prof. M. came in before. I declined to be entertained because I had to remit my papers. I've just finished them today. this P.M.

Section H. has made me a Vice Pres't. quite an honor. I lunched with the Pres't Mr. Crook.  Met Miss [[Baynes?]] the Prest of the Folk Lore Soc'y. Lunched Friday with a lot of people. Prof Myers of [[?]] wants me to have some of our cylinders reproduced. He wants some of them. He is interested in the Ind. Music. I said I would see about it. I will go over the matter with you later. 

[[?]] Hadron of Cambridge aked after you. you [[?]] him about "cat. cradle." dont you? 

Transcription Notes:
rewrite my papers, not remit... Prof. Myers of Oxford Prof. Haddon of Cambridge