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wonderful to hear the softest note or syllable so distinctly in such a vast structure. On Friday I was taken to hear The Messiah. I went in the morning about 11. AM. until 1. Then returned to lunch & back at 2.30 for the rest of the oratorio. Oh my dear Francis I did so want you with me. It was wonderfully fine to hear those grand choruses [[rolling?]] thro the vast arches of the church that is 900 years old. I was rather tired but I greatly enjoyed it all.

Saturday Mrs. Hartland took me to Tewkesbury to see an old Abbey there it was wonderfully fine. I have no pictures of it or I would send them to you.Every body in England takes tea at 4 PM. or 4.30. So I was taken to the "Hop-pole Inn". a queer little place where you enter under a covered way a driveway really, & then a door at the side opens into the dining room. This Inn is