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in the study of language, not any one language but the study of human speech, how it is built, what makes the difference between the structure of the Aryan and the Semetic tongues. It is a great study in itself, and I like you to know the whole of a subject.

I hope you will be able to get the Osage rituals - of course you must first get the language, fortunately you do not have to learn a new structure only to accustom your ear to the sound of the words.

I shall be greatly interested to hear about the Kaw version ^[[of the Wawan]] and the Osage version of the Wawan.  I wish you could run across the Otoe which your father said was very full and fine.  Of course you must stick to your own field and make that complete.

I hope that you will succeed so well and [[strikethrough]] do so [[/strikethrough]] that the Bureau will prosper so that your transfer can be made a permanent one.