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Home. Feb 13, 1911. A.M.

My dear Francis,
Yours of the 10th has just come, and I have read it with great interest. The sentence about the plums is of much interest. Ke, as you give it, is a verb — a verb, as lay, or, as spread. Zhide as representing the plums, becomes a pronoun — ke, still remaining a verb. The suffix ke, belongs to Konde, and there partakes of the adjective character while in the second or iterative ke, [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] seems to be wholly a verb. It is complex and yet a simple sentence, but it requires much explanation, to make it clear, and to show the use of the noun, the adjective, the verb and the adverb.

To write out the language would be as you say a long and hard undertaking