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Home. Feb. 22. 1911

My dear Francis
Yours of the 18. is here. [[insert]] came yesterday morning [[/insert]] It is most interesting about the tatooing outfit. I was speaking with Mr Hodge about your securing it. He said that there was one that had been secured by some one in New York. I think years ago I forget the detail - & it is valued at $300. I mention this because you ought to know the value, and I think it very important that you keep it with you until you get all the meaning & the ritual

There may be some formulas about the putting of the needles in place & attaching the rattles of the snake. I think you should therefore have the outfit where you can study it in connection with the ritual and the mode of using it. I think Mr H. supposes you paid for it. & perhaps you did, in some way.

Thanks for the names. I will write Mabel