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the small pipe, if there was ever one there a hole as in the larger one. I cannot but think that this projection beneath the disc of the pipe which is well formed and and carefully cut & smoothed must have a meaning, for we know that a somewhat similar projection underneath the flat top of the Omaha S.B.H. pipe has a meaning, as representing the track of the buffalo. This appears from the ritual to be its significance

Please don't forget to look into this matter. Make a note of it, for you have so many items to follow out that it is easy to let something slip.

I noticed that in the bundle containing the tatooing outfit there was a unio shell. Mr. Hough said there were indications in the cracks & creases of the shell that it may have been used for paint possibly in connection with the tatooing ceremony. Please make a note of that & see if in the ritual or in any 

Transcription Notes:
unio alatus shell