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you had secured, he said no, but Mr Hodge had told him about them. You had gotten so much with so little money, I added, that you had turned over gifts made to you, & I hoped you would get credit for them.

He seemed to appreciate your wish to secure all the packs, in order to get at the differences. He said you were right that the differences were important in order to understand the ceremonies as a whole. 

He asked if you supplied yourself with small gifts. He said he always took a quantity of Durham tobacco, several lbs of the best stick candy, and a quantity of masquerade bells. He found it well to make them small gifts. I said I had thought of getting an Eagle to send you, and asked if he could get me one, he said he thought he could. So I may be able to send you one. I think it might help you. Would it?.

I had a letter from Prof. Putnam  he writes of you, "I had heard that Francis was in the Bureau