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I reach Boston. I will write you as soon as I know.

No letter from Mrs. C. reached me before I sailed. So I do not yet know her plans.

I hope Dora has a vacation. And that it did her good. & that you were comfortable while she was absent.

Did you get the check which was for your October dividend due on the 25th of this month (October.) I wanted to have you get it. in case anything happened to me.

Today I made out my decalation for the Customs. The new tariff is in practice & there ought to be a change in Customs. We will see.

I wish I was at home tonight. I am rather homesick but hull up & hope.

Remember me to Dora. Love to Mrs Parsons.
Goodnight, take good care of yourself. I'll hope to be soon at home.
Ever Affly

Saturday A.M. Dear F. Unless something unforeseen happens. we shall reach Boston tomorrow about noon. I hope it will not rain. it is cloudy today. and cool. How I wish I was home. I am not very well & that makes me feel lonely & weary - but I hope to be better soon. I shall be sorry if there is no letter from you when the steamer lands. I will telegraph or wire what train I shall take. Goodbye. again. dear F.

Ev Affly M.
The clippings are from the paper I bought on board. 

Transcription Notes:
I suggest considering a different word for "brace," so I bracketed it. I believe it to be "hull," as in knocking the hull of the ship for luck.