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Waquoit Mass.

Dear F.
I have read carefully the draft of letter for Dr. Fewkes  I like it much: its simplicity, elucidation of expression, and the spirit of sincerity. I congratulate you, upon achieving a difficult task and Dr. Fewkes upon receiving such a tribute from one of his co-workers.

I shall at once write my letter  I shall send you a copy of what I write [[insert]] as [[/insert]] there will hardly be time to wait for a return of the copy, before I send it [[insert]] the letter to [[/insert]] Washington D.C.

I am gaining in strength  the rest is doing me much good. I am resting easily at night - at least better than at first. My welcome is still all one could wish. A postal from Jane came with your letter, last evening. All is well at home. I will try to think of some way to pay Jane & the gas bill, for I want to stay here until after election. Oh! May God grant us a change in administration. The Democrats are doing their utmost to get University men & progressives to come out for Cox. According to the New York Times many have done so. Their attitude is short sighted and foolish. May their influences be thwarted, and no real harm be done.

In the Boston News Bureau of Tuesday the 19th (yesterday) I see that 100 Homestake was sold at 47½ a rise of 50 cents per share  I hope that means they may pay next month. I am sending you some clippings, the editorial meets the needs of the times "Not the League Alone", & answers the appeal by University men.

I am so glad you are better as to throat & your back. I hope you will get this letter promptly  it will be mailed & go out this P.M. I have mailed you 5 letters including this letter. Will write you as to what I decide to do about staying after the first of November.

Ever affly [[signature]] M. [[/signature]]

Oct. 20, 1920.

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Washington, D. C.,
October 11, 1920.

Dear Mr. LaFlesche:

At a recent meeting of a number of friends and co-workers of Dr. J. Walter Fewkes in Washington, it was decided to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of his birth, November 14th, 1920, by presenting him with a volume of letters of congratulation contributed by his friends and associates.

With this object in view you are cordially invited to contribute a letter addressed to Dr. Fewkes in appreciation of his work and in felicitation of his seventieth birthday.  This letter should be sent to Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

It is desired that you letter be received not later than November 1st, 1920, in order that there may be ample time for binding.

Cordially yours,
[[signature]] WHHolmes [[/signature]]
Chairman of Committee.

Mr. Francis LaFlesche,
Sioux City,