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But we had a good time and came home without any mishap.

You ask me if I need eagle feathers. No, I bought a whole eagle and made good use of it, so I do not need one.

Bill Pryer is expected to give the sacred pack ceremony but so far he is silent. He is having trouble with his wife and it is supposed that will interfere with his giving it. I have been anxious to see that but it may be given when I am gone. I don't know. It would give me a further knowledge of the forms. I have written a description of the performance I saw last Summer and that with the words of the songs as given by S.C. gives me a pretty clear idea of what it is. The Wa-sha-be or the Funeral War dance is to be given at Gray-base by the end of this month or early in June. S.C. was notified of it and asked to carry one of the Wa-sha-be. He asked me to go with him & I will. The Wa-sha-be dance is closely connected with the Wa-xo-be. The two ceremonies will throw light upon each other so I

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Pawhuska, Okla.
May 8, 1911.

My dear M,
Saturday I received your letter of the 3rd and I did not write because I was all day with Saucy Calf in town and then in the afternoon with him in the camp classifying the Wa-xo-be songs. I finished the "Seven Songs," really 70 songs, and part of the "Six Songs," sixty songs. It was a rather tedious task because S.C. cannot take each song separately and discuss it. He has to beat a rattle and begin at the beginning of things, going over and over the songs. About six oclock he got tired and as he was talking about the Ga-tha-tze ritual that relates to the earth and the sky he asked me a question as to the horizon, if there were the end of the sky and the edge of the earth,