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get the credit. I can't do that. He will have to do the work himself — he is I am [[informed?]], employed by the Bureau to do that.

Now a word or two about your letter of the 6th which I have just rec'd. I am glad Mrs. C. is having a good time with Culin. Also about your talks with the Fitzpatricks. They seem to be good sensible people, not inclined to meddle with other people's affairs. Cadman's prize piece spoken of in the magazine you sending me is from the second act. "I have followed my love the lonely night through"  I hope the music will not overshadow the words. I see that Herberts "Noturne" was severely criticized on that score. The words were not equal to the music. Some of Mrs. E's work I thought was miserable stuff but I have not said so. Some change will be made though. Cadman could have discussed it thoroughly and he agrees with me that the thing drags and he says he will not be influenced by Mrs. E. in the matter of making the changes. He has written her that it is necessary.

Now it is time to close. Will write again.

Affly, [[signature]] F [[/signature]]

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shall be glad to see both, if given.

I have just written and mailed two letters to Mr. Hodge, one about my expenses up to date and the other about the amount of money I shall need the coming fiscal year. Both letters were in answer to two I had received from him upon the subjects. In my letter about the estimate for the field expenses I wrote him that I would want to speak to him personally, and I would do so when I came to W. on my vacation; about the necessity of bringing both S.C. and the other man to give the remaining six degrees of the Wa-xo-be, I told him that the one given by S.C. was nearing its completion, but that it was going to be a difficult task to get the rest as the two men would need to prompt each other as they had become rusty on account of their having taken up the "mescal religion." I estimated for $300. and I expect they will grant me that, but if Mr. H. considers it important enough for me to bring the two men on to W. I may need $500. He may go [[?]] this. That remains to be seen. I spoke

Transcription Notes:
mescal - an alcoholic drink made from agave