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of the difficulty of getting continuous and steady work out of my informants out here and if I could hold them for two or three weeks to myself I could accomplish more, and this I could not do unless I took them away from here. I do not know how much appropriation they got and I fear making too much expense, greater than their appn. would permit it. My personal expense will not reach $300. a year, so there will I expect be no trouble about that. If I can't get permission to bring the men to W. I shall use all the $300. to pay both the men and I will get all of the Wa-xobe ceremony and the Wa-sha-be ceremony thrown in. I shall aim for all that. The first division of the Wa-xo-be ceremony given by S.C. is valuable and interesting.

It will be necessary for me to be in W. for two or three days, 1st to talk to Mr. Hodge about this matter, and 2nd some of the Indians have asked me to look after personal matter for them at the Indian office and I want to do

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so in order to get from them information they might have about ethnological matters. So far I have gotten along well here. I must keep up my influence and that i can do by helping them with their business matters. If we do not go to Miss Westcotts we can make up a trip of some kind, perhaps to Montreal. I am very glad that you are putting those notes in shape for me. That is quite important and when I see you I will tell you more about what they mean. I am feeling much better and altho. I have quit taking treatment for my rheumatism it seems to be very good, really getting better.

Murie has just written me that he wants me to come to Pawnee to witness the Buffalo ceremony to be given that week but as I have not heard from the Bureau about this I do not feel that I can go. He says it was suggested to the Bureau but nothing has come to indicate that they want me to go there. Perhaps Murie wants me to write the thing for him and he